email Audrey Regan


Melanie Rey - New York

Melanie Rey and Francesca Mantani Arkus visited the Audart Gallery during the Spring of 1997. They presented a proposal -- to bring live theater to New York's Wall Street district. Rey had written "Frenesi", a one-woman play about the adventures and problems associated with being a single woman in the city.  Within minutes, Melanie Rey convinced me, as she picked up her music box, threw back her hair and began performing.  Rey is a chanteuse; a dancer; a comedienne and a very accomplished actress, who had written a play that helped everyone laugh more sincerely at life.

As so it happened, that the salon at the Audart Gallery became the theater for "Frenesi" and Melanie Rey and her director, Francesca Mantani Arkus became as much a part of the Audart scene as any of its artists. Wall Streeters came in during their lunch hour, often returning to catch the evening show, and, while many actors are credited with relating to their audiences, I have not seen anyone do it better than Melanie Rey.

We often referred to her as Audart's sparkling diva, for the energy she brought to Audart and all the people who were lucky enough to catch her performances.

Audrey Regan
Creative Director - Audart

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